Sunday, February 9, 2014

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A state or condition in which a person or community lacks the financial resources and essentials to enjoy a minimum standard of life and well-being that's considered acceptable in society. Poverty status in the United States is assigned to people that do not meet a certain threshold level set by the Department of Health and Human Services.

How can we reduce poverty rate from pakistan??

Policies regarding poverty reduction Marshalled by different government could not calculate the desire results.Crudely speaking,this is the gravest problem being faced by pakistani nation,if not handled with diligent care and implicit faith,will swell and devour the entire mechanism of the state.For a welfare state to get stronger,policies as regards development of poor strata should be the top of the checklist.i behold a time when we shall be steadily hauling our downtrodden economy towards heights,provided that we chalk out such policies that not only project the welfare of effected spots but also transpose their outlook .I propose following measures for extermination of this menace;

1.Promote industriallization
2.replacement of the orthodox agricultural implements with new scientific equipments in order to increase the yield.
3.establishment of justice and equality
4.equal distribution of resources
6.merit should be the upshot strategy in all walks of life
7.elimination of discriminatory policies
6.controlling of inflation and other economic indicators and regulators.
8.developing investment friendly environment
9.Giving more feasibilities and concessions to the foreign investors
10.dumping extremism and feudalism
11.establishing more and more technical institute in order to get people well skilled.
12.prevalence of education
13.provision of job opportunities
14.division of agricultural lands among tenants.
15.imposition of progressive tax system in order to elicit revenue without missing a single head
16.maintaining law and order situation in order to protect economic activities
17.Net of public oriented Development projects should be extended so that the respective people could find jobs.
18.smuggling and other illegal economic activities should be dealt with iron hand.
19.industrial zones should be established in the areas according to the local economic preferences.
20.A grand strategy should be formulated in order to achieve a radical overhaul in economic system in general by keeping in view the long term requirements of the country.


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