Saturday, February 8, 2014

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Void Agreement

Literally: Void means having no legal value and agreement means Arrangement, promise or contract made with somebody.  So void agreement means an agreement that has no legal value.

Traditionally: “An agreement not enforceable by law is said to be void”. [Sec 2(g)]

A void agreement has no legal effect. An agreement which does not satisfy the essential elements of contract is void. Void agreement confers no rights on any person and creates no obligation.

Example of void agreement: An agreement made by a minor, agreement without consideration, certain agreements against public policy etc.

Agreement which become void:
An agreement, which was legal and enforceable when it was entered in to, may subsequently become void due to impossibility of performance, change of law or other reason. When it become void the agreement ceases to have legal effect.

types of void agreements::

(1) Agreements in Restraint of Marriage-
Every individual enjoys the freedom to marry and so according to section 26 of the contract act “every agreement is restraint of the marriage of any person, other than a minor, is void.” The restraint may be general or partial but the agreement is void, and therefore, an agreement agreeing not to marry at all, or a certain person or, a class of persons, or for a fixed period, is void. However, an agreement restraint of the marriage of a minor is valid under the section.

(2) Agreement in Restraint of Trade-
The constitution of India guarantees that the freedom of trade and commerce to every citizen and therefore section 27 declares “every agreement by which any one is restrained from exercising a lawful profession, trade or business of any kind, is to that extent void.” Thus no person is at livery to deprive himself of the fruit of his labor, skill or talent, by any contracts that he enters into.

(3) Agreement in restraint of legal proceedings-
Every agreement, by which any party thereto is restricted absolutely from enforcing his right under or in respect of any contract, by the usual legal proceedings in the ordinary tribunals, or which limits the time within which he may thus enforce his rights, is void to that extent. Section 28 declares the following two kinds of agreements void:
(a)    An agreement by which a party is restrained absolutely from taking usual legal
Proceeding, in respect of any rights arising from a contract.
(b)    An agreement which limits the time within which one may enforce his contract
Rights, without to the time allowed by the limitation act.

(4) Uncertain Agreements-
“Agreements, the meaning of which is not certain, or capable of being made certain, are void” (Sec-29). Through Sec-29 the law aims to ensure that the parties to a contract should be aware of the precise nature and scope of their mutual rights and obligation under the contract. Thus, if the word used by the parties are or indefinite, the law cannot enforce the agreement.

(5) Wagering Agreement-
Literally the word ‘wager’ means ‘a bet’ something stated to be lost or won on the result of a doubtful issue, and, therefore, wagering agreements are nothing but ordinary betting agreements. Thus where A and B mutually agree that if it rains today A will pay B Tk.100 and if it does not rain B will pay A Tk.100 or C and D entered into agreement that on tossing up a coin, if it fall head upwards C will pay D Tk.50 and if falls tail upwards D will pay C Tk.50, there is a wagering agreement.

(6) Agreement Contingent on Impossible Events-
“Contingent agreements to do or not to do anything if an impossible event happens are void, whether the impossibility of the event is know on not to the parties to thr agreement at the time when it is made.” (Sec. 36)

(7) Agreements to do Impossible Act-
“An agreement to do an act impossible in itself is void.” (Sec, 56 Part-1)


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