Saturday, February 8, 2014

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What is free consent

Free consent is one of the most important essential elements of a valid contract. The term free consent refers to meeting of free and fresh minds of two parties of an agreement when two parties take and understand, purpose, subject matter and terms and conditions of the agreement in the same sense it is free consent. Both of them must take things in the same way. They must not understand it in different way. An agreement which is made freely it becomes a valid contract due to presence of free consent of both the parties. In any of the free consent of both there will no free consent in the agreement.
a.Coercion: - threading.
b.Undue influence: - pressure and misuse of power for unfair advantage.
c.Fraud, deceiving on cheating the other.
d.Misrepresentation: - false statement without an intention to deceive the other.
e.Mistake error


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